Discrete Mathematics and Computing
Malik Magdon-Ismail

Publisher: dmc-book.com
ISBN 10: 0-578-56787-7
ISBN 13: 978-0-578-56787-7

Contact Publisher: magdondmcbook (this is a gmail address)


The book covers a course on the fundamental mathematical tools relevant to computer science, with application to the theory of computing.
      Topics (discrete mathematics): logic, induction, sums and asymptotics, number theory, graphs, counting, probability.
      Topics (theory of computing): what is computing (languges), models of computing (automata, grammars, Turing machines), NP-completeness.

The book is the text for the author's class FOCS (Foundations of Computer Science). Some highlights are
       :Open online course which follows the text (video lectures, assignments, quizzes, midterm & final).
       :Built for computer scientists but accessible to anyone with a passion.
       :28 modules, each suitable for one lecture, plus one bonus module on NP-completeness.
       :Detailed slides in 3 formats: lecture, handout and mini-summary. (Go to slides)
       :More than 300 solved quizzes and exercises. (Go to quiz and exercise solutions)
       :More than 2000 chapter problems of varying difficulty suitable for homework, exams and further study.
       :Customizable to instructor needs. Pick only the material you need (contact publisher for info and pricing).

Check out the online course: www.cs.rpi.edu/~magdon/courses/ONLINEfocs.php
Video-nuggets on youtube: Online course in 164 shorter segments so it's easy to watch what you want: watch on youtube

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Special requests (instructors only): To customize the book or request solutions to problems, please contact publisher.

Instructors and readers may find some of the material below useful.
Solutions to in-chapter Pop Quizzes and Exercises
Glossary of Symbols
Index of Terms